Upcoming Courses!

To be announced

Homeopathic comprehensive & intro Course

The introductory course teaches about the origin of homeopathy, how to use it, and how to choose the appropriate treatments for you, your family, and friends.

All who complete this course receive a certificate of proficiency in basic homeopathy.

Any person interested in health or working in an alternative health situation must take this course, even if you have some homeopathic knowledge. This course will be an invaluable asset to you.

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To be announced

Homeopathic Constitution Course

The constitution course is the foundation for treating, having the knowledge to understand people’s basic make-up, and and discovering their potential weaknesses and deteriorations with aging.

This course must be completed before attending any of the other professional courses.

To be announced

Homeopathic Rheumatology & Urology Course

The Rheumatology and Urology course encompasses aspects of health related to structural, biological and sleep disorders. In this course, we will also learn about sports pathology.

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Homeopathy is a branch of natural medicine founded in 1970 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Germany